Wide temperature range: Thermocouples can measure temperatures from extremely low (-200°C) to very high (over 2300°C), covering a broad range of applications.
Quick response time: Thermocouples provide rapid and accurate temperature readings, enabling real-time monitoring and control of temperature changes.
Robustness and durability: Thermocouples are designed to withstand harsh environments, including high temperatures, vibration, and mechanical stress, ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance.
Cost-effectiveness: Base metal thermocouples, such as Type K and Type J, are relatively inexpensive compared to other temperature sensors, making them a cost-effective choice, especially for applications that require multiple measurement points.
Compatibility: Thermocouples are compatible with a wide range of measurement instruments and control systems, as they generate millivolt-level output that can be easily measured and integrated into existing systems.
Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) are widely used for precise temperature measurement. Among the various types of RTD sensors, PT100... read more
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